Health Care

Identify emergencies

Hospital Staff Support

In hospitals, AI-based video security systems provide valuable support for staff. Through intelligent video analysis, they can identify falls from patients in rooms and immediately alert medical staff. This improves response time in emergencies and increases patient safety. At the same time, this technology relieves staff by being able to respond more efficiently to urgent situations, which contributes to the overall improvement of patient care.

Dementia control

Safety in Senior Residences

AI-based video security systems are particularly valuable for monitoring dementia patients in healthcare facilities. They recognize when patients with dementia enter or leave sensitive areas such as entrances and exits. When such events occur, medical personnel are immediately alerted to ensure that patients are protected and cared for. This technology makes a significant contribution to the safety of dementia patients and enables personnel to react quickly and specifically to potential risk situations.

GDPR-Compliant Video Technology

Our AI-based video security solution ensures GDPR compliance through intelligent features. Using sensor control, video transmission can be automatically switched off in private areas, such as treatment rooms, to protect the privacy of doctors and patients.

In addition, the privacy mask function allows people to be pixelated to anonymize their identity and ensure data protection.

This combination of sensitive video shutdown and anonymization features ensures that our systems provide effective monitoring while meeting the high data protection requirements under GDPR.

Our Healthcare Expertise

Support for Nursing Staff

Automatic Accident Reporting

Optimizing Operational Processes

Ready to Collaborate?

We offer solutions that are far from standard. Contact us today for personalized advice and assistance. Our team of professionals is ready to help you navigate the complex world of safety technology.

More Industries


Discover custom video security solutions that combine innovation and reliability. With AI4Vision, you are always one step ahead in the world of security technology.


At AI4Vision, we understand that every industry has its own security requirements. That is why we offer specialized solutions that are tailored to specific challenges and needs.


At AI4Vision, we believe in the power of collaboration. Our partners play a critical role in our ability to provide innovative and effective security solutions.